Your generosity. Our blessing.

Whether you joined us in person or in spirit, we want to extend our thanks and appreciation to everyone who made our October fundraiser a success. With your help, we have very nearly reached our goal to support the Brothers in their efforts to transform St. Charles Lwanga's birthplace into a spiritual haven where pilgrims may rest, worship, and reflect on the rich spiritual legacy of the Brothers in Africa and their crucial social mission in their communities.
Teen Mothers: Sewing at St. Leo's
The first class of teen mothers at the Brothers' newly established St. Leo's Sewing Project will soon graduate with completion certificates after three months of study. As the Brothers work to secure manufacturing contracts for Uganda's school uniforms, these newly skilled teen mothers develop skills and practically apply their knowledge in the Bannakaroli's self-sustaining ecosystem of schools, farms, and institutes.
We continue fundraising for the Brothers' farms, factories, schools, and institutes. When you donate, you'll become an integral part of their efforts to ensure self-sufficiency in their communities. Specifically, we're still actively raising funds for the Brothers' solar power initiative. With your help, the Brothers will be able to provide consistently reliable infrastructure to their students. Click below to donate!

About Us
Serving the Brothers of St. Charles Lwanga
The Bannakaroli Foundation helps spread awareness about the mission of the Brothers of St. Charles Lwanga, the first indigenous Catholic religious order in Africa. They serve Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania through their education initiatives as well as by providing healthcare, agricultural services, and economic development to the children and marginalized communities they serve.​
The Board

The Bannakaroli Foundation serves the Bannakaroli Brothers in East Africa. Its all-volunteer board assists with fundraising for the Brothers' schools, farms, and institutions. The Board also raises funds for separate, yearly initiatives taken up on behalf of the order.
Dr. Micael Clarke: Chair
Dr. Susan Ross
Brother Charles Nuwagaba
Brother Gordian Twesigye
Wanda Glitz
Robert Glitz
Patrick McCarthy
Ellen Gull
Bruce Montes
Lisa Salvatore

The Brothers
Founded in 1927, the Brothers of St. Charles Lwanga, or Bannakaroli ("those of Charles Lwanga"), was the first indigenous Catholic order in Africa south of the Sahara. The order's namesake is Charles Lwanga, a page of the anti-Christian King Mwanga of Buganda, who, upon learning one of the younger pages was being taught from the catechism, executed Charles and 21 others in 1886. The Bannakaroli work by striving to follow his example. Click here to learn more about the Brothers' projects and lives at Loyola.
In addition to online donations, you may also mail checks to 6235 N. Kenmore, Chicago, Illinois 60660.